ライター:河野 由貴
版元サイト[外部リンク] で内容ページをご覧いただけます。 Reticello愛好家の方へー Reticelloの魅力はなんといってもその繊細な美しさ 本書は#3のテーマReticelloの続きです。 #3では、基本的な型、アンティークなモデルを紹介いたしました。 #3を終え、テクニックや更なる技術や知識を学びたい…という方にお勧めです そういった型を基盤としながらも、さらに細かく内容を深め、 新しいデザインなどを含んだ、手の込んだ内容となっています。 イラストによる解説つき 作品の多くにpunto chiaroという技法を使っています。 <内容> - the open stitch - Gabriella's sample - Satin stitch patternes - Central rhombus - Colour samples ほか - Fior di reticello (Reticella 2) Fior di reticello (Reticella 2), which continues the theme of reticello begun in Volume 3, goes deep into the detail, especially for the new designs and the use of colour in reticello: from just two colours to the wide variety found in the final section of the book. The use of colour was a gamble for me, but since then the consensus has been overwhelmingly positive, at home and abroad. Many of the works illustrated are further enhanced by use of the "punto chiaro" technique. One particular example, which is explained in great detail with diagrams and scans - as is my wont - is a cushion presented by my School to the 2005 Italia Invita Forum in Rimini. Here I inserted, within larger "windows", more complex motifs and fine bars which blend with the embroidery work to create a lace-like effect. As mentioned in Volume 3, you have a greater possibility of working on more complex and delicate patterns if you have some knowledge and experience and if you follow the instructions in the book: here too I always start from a "simple" project, such as a cushion, and work up to larger and more complex items. ページ数:68 出版日:2017/01/11 出版社名:Giuliana Buonapadre |