ライター:河野 由貴
版元サイト[外部リンク] で内容ページをご覧いただけます。 本書Punto antico in Venetoは、長年一生懸命に刺繍教室ともに行ってきた研究の成果です。 図解とイラストを用いながら、punto antico と reticelloのコンビネーションの作品を掲載しています。 刺繍の技法を学ぶためだけでなく、様々なパターンを通して、各々のインスピレーションの 源となるように、工夫を凝らしています。 横長の装丁で、数々の美しい作品の写真や図案がとても印象に残ります。 「本書にあるタイプの刺繍は、私が知っている中でも、最も好きなもののうちの一つです」(著者より) <内容> Adelaide's sampler Working foundations Dealing with stitch Reticella The hem Stefania's cushion A placement in Venitian antique stitch ほか Punto antico in Veneto was the fruit of a long and laborious gestation, due to the complexity of the research and the difficulty of the execution carried out with the School. Although in the first section of the book I illustrate a piece of embroidery which was highly acclaimed at the first Italia Invita Forum in 2003, but which I had never explained. The volume contains diagrams and instructions for several projects which combine punto antico with reticello. The book can also be used as a source of inspiration for personal interpretations of the suggested patterns, not only as an instruction manual for reproducing the projects shown. At this level of skill and knowledge, every embroiderer is capable doing her own thing, taking inspiration wherever she finds most useful. 出版日:2017/01/11 出版社名:Giuliana Buonapadre |